Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day 9: Kampala to Fort Portal

Scrambled eggs, white bread, instant coffee, and pineapple beckoned us down from our bedrooms this morning.  It is our last morning in Kampala and we are happy to leave.  The city is crowded, traffic is awful (47 minutes = 2km), and the pollution is horrible.  Most of us, especially Bradford & I, experienced adverse effects from the pollution.  I originally thought that I had somehow contracted strep throat, the irritation and pain was that bad.  Alas, it was only pollution sickness.  

After loading all the luggage onto the van, we were off.  Just one last stop in Kampala before we started our long drive... the Baha'i Temple!  Hanni has a connection to the Baha'i faith, so we made sure to visit this extraordinary structure.  In fact, this is the only Baha'i temple on the entire continent.

No pictures were allowed inside the temple.  
The interior was spacious and the acoustics were great.

A few Baha'i were outside the temple this particular morning, so we had a brief chat with them.

We left the temple impressed yet behind schedule. William pointed us west and stepped on the gas.  Our 4 hour trip, in actuality, would end up taking ~5 1/2 hours.  If there's one thing we've learned thus far, it's that everything takes longer than expected.  
So, just roll with it.

"Tugende, William!"

As we drove away from Kampala the landscape started to open up.  The road was taking us further from the cramped markets and painted buildings...

to more remote villages and towns

Until the land finally fully opened up into a beautiful lush green landscape.

We stop to stretch our legs, do cartwheels, and eat lunch under the trees at Enro restaurant in Mityana.

As you can see by the map, we are a little less than half way to Fort Portal

Post lunch food coma:

A few of us stay awake for the remainder of the ride reading, talking, or simply soaking up the scenery.

We reach Fort Portal by early evening and settle in at the Ruwenzori View Guesthouse.  I can not give this place enough praise.  If you should happen to find yourself in Western Uganda, do yourself a favor and stay here.

Patio dining area

Back view of our rooms, all with a small private veranda

Backyard with fire pit

Our professor, Ellen, used to live and work in Fort Portal.  She is friends with the owners of this guesthouse, Ineke and Maurice - a Dutch/British couple.  Thus, we had a nice welcome and enjoyed a full course, home-cooked meal.  The food at the Ruwenzori View Guesthouse is phenomenal!

We thoroughly enjoyed our multiple course dinner with wine...

...and had no problems getting to sleep.

I woke in the middle of the night to a brilliant thunderstorm and then drifted back off, relieved to have the following day off.  Hoorah!

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