Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 1: The long flight to Uganda

June 17th, 2010

A long day of transferring planes, sitting, eating bad food, and great anticipation awaits me as I turn my alarm off this morning. It's 4 a.m. and I can hardly believe that this day has finally arrived.

Kristen graciously wakes to chauffeur me to the Portland airport.  Thankfully she did so as they attached a fraud alert to my travel status.  Ah, the joys of joint credit card holders who unwittingly use their partners card to make expensive flight purchases.  Long story short, had she not accompanied me I would not have made my flight.  Alas, we said our goodbyes and I joined my friend & colleague Hanni at the gate. Tired yet ready to start our academic African adventure.

Departure Flight Itinerary:  PDX -> JFK -> Amsterdam -> Entebbe, Uganda

      Pictured above: The Italian Coastline and my professor Dr. White, along with his wife, sleeping in a hilarious fashion. 

Pictured above:  A glance down at the Sahara Desert

Pictured below: A beautiful cloud formation  

After 20 hours actually logged in flight, sans my hours of layover accumulation, I finally arrive in Uganda.  My legs are happy to be of use again as I make my way to through the main entrance and to the visa booth.  After being greeted by our 2nd professor, Dr. Bassett, we are shuttled off to our first location: The Green Valley Guesthouse.

              Pictured - First Arrivals: Ashley, me, Jessica, Bradford.  Ashley & I would end up being roommates for the entirety of this trip.

We enjoyed a few beers and got settled into our respective rooms.  All eager to see Entebbe come first light.

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